LogServ New

Surface Logging Services

LogServ Surface Logging Services is providing high-quality surface logging data with experienced personnel, newest high technology equipment and wide range equipment.

Geological studies are used for stratigraphic correlation on the field, reservoir identification and to recognize potentially problematic formations. Knowing the geology is essential for high-quality well control, drilling performance, and formation evaluation, and that is where the experience and in-depth knowledge of our Surface Logging Services team.

Yavuz, Sancar Cad. No:36, DesOfis D:201 S.pasa/Tekirdag/ Turkey


Stop Work Policy

LogServ Surface Logging Services admit that our employees and other people involved in our activities have a right to safe and healty working environment, over and above being firmly attached to maintaining strong culture of risk consciousness.

LogServ Surface Logging Services’ goals are optimum obviation of injury to people as well as damages to our belongings and the environment; health, safety and enviromental regards remain top priorities; foster responsible behaviour.


Company Management holds the responsibility to ensure the requirements of this policy are communicated, understood and applied. All employees, contractors, suppliers, consultants, temporary staff and all personnel affiliated with third parties working for LogServ Surface Logging Services must apply this policy in good faith and reasonably.

Our requirements are: for everyone to STOP work, check and ask when an unsafe work condition, activity or practice is detected which puts employees, the others or the environment in an imminent danger; immediately report to responsible manager for further prompt actions; resume work only after all needed corrective actions have been reviewed, agreed, approved and remaining risks – if any, are acceptable.

The individual’s right to stop work has the full support of LogServ Surface Logging Service Management, without fear of reprisal, to achieve an injury free workplace.

Only by empowering individuals can the Company progress and preserve the health and safety of all. Everyone is accountable to identify risks and opportunities. We are determined to provide the necessary resources to achieve our goals.

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