LogServ New

Surface Logging Services

LogServ Surface Logging Services is providing high-quality surface logging data with experienced personnel, newest high technology equipment and wide range equipment.

Geological studies are used for stratigraphic correlation on the field, reservoir identification and to recognize potentially problematic formations. Knowing the geology is essential for high-quality well control, drilling performance, and formation evaluation, and that is where the experience and in-depth knowledge of our Surface Logging Services team.

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IT Security and Data Integrity Policy

LogServ Surface Logging Services is determined to identify and reduce the risks of it’s own working system. With all the protection for datas and system, LogServ Surface Logging Services main goal is provide customers superior services. Strong system is the top priority of LogServ Surface Logging Service.

LogServ Surface Logging Services goals is; manage and protect datas of by its own and customers. From begginning to end, all the needs and works doing for customers, this protection is perform carefully by LogServ Surface Logging Services.

Our requirements are: to demonstrate “buy-in” from the highest levels of corporate management, to document cyber-security framework, to ensure integrity & confidentiality of data at all stages of its lifecycle as per the Data Classification Policy, to ensure access to data is strictly controlled using a “need to know” test, to clearly define roles and responsibilities for those with access to data, to apply the principle of Least Privilege to all corporate IT systems, to ensure Both logical and physical security systems are in-place, to ensure Data backup and retention policies are included in the framework, to ensure Layered security is practiced at all corporate locations, to demonstrate our commitment to unparalleled ethical standards of business through complementary compliance program, including our contractors and suppliers, to ensure keen awareness of IT’s relationship to local laws, requirements and customs.

LogServ Surface Logging Services accepts, its responsibility to protect our customers  data from start to final delivery. Its management requires the same of its own, internally generated data.

LogServ Surface Logging Services holds the responsibility to secure the requirements of this policy are communicated, understood and applied. All employees, contractors, suppliers, consultants, temporary staff and all personel affiliated with third parties working for LogServ Surface Logging Services must respect this policy.

LogServ Surface Logging Services is determined to provide the necessary resources to achieve our goals and everyone is encouraged to indentify risks and oppurtunities. LogServ Surface Logging Services’ goal is continuous improvement for every section that submit for customers.

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